I’ve finally uploaded all of the Burkhardt Family’s Peru photos to Flickr for all to see. We use Flickr since they give you 1TB of storage and they allow you to share your photos in their original quality unlike Facebook and Instagram who resample and resize your uploads.

Flickr – Peru 2017 – Talbot Youth Travel

We want to see your pictures too! Please take a few minutes and sign up for Flickr and upload your favorite shots for our tour, be sure to make them public and use the tag TYTPeru to make your shots easier to find. Let us know when you’ve added your pictures so we can include them in out Peru album.

If all of this is just too much for you, no worries… you can always just put the photos you’re willing to share on a flash drive or on your favorite file sharing platform (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc) and get in touch with Mrs. Burkhardt or Mrs. Strother and we will take care of getting your pictures on the web.